CATHY BRADY ARTIST Realistic Baby Dolls
Online Reborn Adoptions 0400362762

Bookings for 2020

Hi there, 
With people being asked to stay indoors due to the pandemic I have Been receiving vast numbers of inquiries for People wanting Reborn babies or hoping to visit the nursery. Ye to the coronavirus my nursery is closed to visitors I am only allowing contactless pickups for orders. Being an already busy year I have not been able to have any new babies due to the current amount of orders on my books and my daughter having her first baby who surprised us all by arriving early. And to our surprise hospital sent home hours after being born, again due to virus precautions. Being so booked for 2020 and I remind that I am unable to take on any new work and I won’t be taking New orders till my books are cleared. Taking all this into consideration I have decided it’s best to temporarily take my website offline so I am able to work on my current orders and hopefully find time to make new babies so when I come back online I will have some new babies available for purchase. 
I thank you for your patience I will be back soon! 
Stay healthy  ~ Cathy xo


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Paintings and drawings on this site remain the property of the Artist Cathy Brady and students retrospectively. Therefore Copyright laws apply & no picture or information on this site can be copied, downloaded etc without the Artists permission.